Sunday, March 18, 2012

Latex: 表格包含註解

需要引用宏包 \usepackage{booktabs,threeparttable}

Note: 用 \tnote{標號} 在需要的地方做記號
Note: 用以下語法在\end{tabular} 之後 \end{threeparttable}之前作注解文字
        \item[標號1.] : 註解內容
        \item[標號2.] : 註解內容
% $Id: example21.tex,v 1.2 2004/01/31 15:02:08 edt1023 Exp $
% This example borrows from Donald Arseneau's threeparttable.sty,
% and modified it to fit booktabs package.
% example21.tex
\caption{The Skewing Angles ($\beta$) for $\fam0 Mu(H)+X_2$ and
   $\fam0 Mu(H)+HX$~\tnote{a}}  % ? \tnote{} ????????
&   & $\fam0 H(Mu)+F_2$ & $\fam0 H(Mu)+Cl_2$ \\
&$\beta$(H)  & $80.9^\circ\tnote{b}$ & $83.2^\circ$ \\
&$\beta$(Mu) & $86.7^\circ$ & $87.7^\circ$ \\
\begin{tablenotes}  % ? tablenotes ????????
\item[a] for the abstraction reaction, $\fam0 Mu+HX \rightarrow MuH+X$.
\item[b] 1 degree${} = \pi/180$ radians.



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