Saturday, April 7, 2012

Latex : 產生一份基本的文件



\usepackage{eucal}    % Euler fonts
\usepackage{verbatim}       % Allows quoting source with commands.
\usepackage{makeidx}        % Package to make an index.
\usepackage{epsfig}          % Allows inclusion of eps files.
\usepackage{url}  % Allows good typesetting of web URLs.
\usepackage{color}  % 允許文字上色
\usepackage{booktabs} % 三線表格
\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.3} %調整table間距

\makeatother %<--重新定義編號的樣式 (預設是 0.1 Section Title, 可改成 1. Section title) 


\title{Optical Communication HW3}
\author{Sih-Ying Wu}   % Required
\date{Ver \today}

\maketitle       %<-----記得這個要寫在裡面(in Texmaker)


Start to write


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